
Because I have a bit of a commute to work each day, I've started listening to podcasts. Here's what I've been listening to:

Gamers With Jobs 
A group of gamers who discuss video games. I find that their weekly topics highly interesting and insightful. A great podcast for serious gaming discussion.

Joystiq Podcast
On the other end of the spectrum is the most hilarious gaming podcast I've had the joy to listen to. The Joystiq podcast is highly entertaining.

The PC Gamer Podcast
I've always been a fan of PC Gamer. Having a PC focused podcast is a great way to keep informed.

The PC Gamer UK Podcast
How can you make an already great PC Gamer podcast better? Make them all British!! This podcast is from the folks who bring us the UK edition of PC Gamer.

IGN.com's Command Prompt
Another PC gaming focused podcast. Sporadic.

The Search Engine Podcast
It's not about search engines. It's a Canadian podcast that dives into anything and everything about technology. Great listen especially if you're interested in some of the politics of technology (open access, privacy, copyright).

CBC's Spark
Another Canadian take on technology. Great host and interesting topics.

Engadget Podcast
A weekly consumer electronic podcasts. I first found this podcast very annoying, but it's grown on me. Funny at times.

My Brother, My Brother and Me
Billed as an advice podcast for the modern era, this show is far from advicy, however it is extremly funny. 