Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Liverpool Electronic Entertainment Tournament

The Liverpool Electronic Entertainment Tournament (LEET) is a video game tournmanent that I organized back in November '09. I got the idea one day for a video game tournament and, as said best by the Babe movie, "like most of his harebrained ideas, it wouldn't go away." The turnout was quite modest, but everyone had a great time and there was interest in doing it again. So, on April 25th, the second tournament will take place. I want to make it a bi-annual event, something that attracts players from far and wide. I would love if it ended up like the Digby Wharf Rat Rally, something that has become a monstrous tourist draw. However for now I'm starting small with lots of help from gamers and the community. Proceeds will also be going to the Child's Play charity. Check out the LEET website below, and maybe even come to watch on the 25th.

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