Thursday, June 3, 2010

OpenStreetMap in Liverpool, Nova Scotia

So I recently rediscovered the wonders of OpenStreetMap. It's a huge collaborative map making project that anyone can contribute to. It's like the Wikipedia of map making. Users can use their GPS units to track their traveling logs and upload that information so it appears on the map. So you can take a walk in one of your favorite walking trails, use your GPS to track the path that you're walking, upload that and there you go, it's now available to the entire world.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Micro Review: Lost

I'm going to have to say something about Lost. You know Lost right? Well, Lost is a TV show that just finished its six year run. It's full of mystery and character development. I love it. I won't be going in too much dept about the series, as men wiser than myself have already done so. I just want to write something about it because it has had such an impression on me.