Friday, September 17, 2010

Micro Review: The Operative: No One Lives Forever

As a longtime PC gamer, I've played many games throughout my life. My wife, friends, family and enemies can all attest to that.  However sometimes I miss a few. No One Lives Forever (NOLF) was one of those gems that managed to sneak by me.

Made in 2000, and set in 1960s, this tale is of a female super spy, the first in her organization and eager to prove herself. Cate Archer is an interesting and charming protagonist and you, lucky you, get to guide her through a journey of 16 levels of excellent game-play.

Each level is set in a different and interesting environment. One level I fought my way through a train, another I explored a submerged freighter, and another I assaulted a space station. Each level has a unique feel and often unique enemies.

You can play the game in a stealthy kind of way, but that didn't appeal to me. It was just too much fun gunning everyone down while the sirens blared. Enemies will fall over ledges and tumble down stairs and you get to use a variety of excellent weapons.

The game is a blast. Multiplayer is still even supported by fans, just don't expect large matches.

Some of the reviews I read about the game commented how developers don't make games like this anymore. I cannot agree more. NOLF is a long and rich game and they definitely don't make First Person Shooters like that anymore.

Anyway, excellent game. If you love shooters you got to get play it.

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